Nuclear Power Reactor inc - in

Hardcore Offline energy miner, beware fallout in this idle tycoon nukemap game
Ломакин Дмитрий

下載 Nuclear Power Reactor inc - in APK

更新日期 2023-11-21
評分 3.7
類型 模擬
應用程式檔名稱 ru.DmitryLomakin.NuclearInc2
下載數 100+

Nuclear Power Reactor inc - in 簡介

Welcome to this hardcore simulator game ever, my young Stalker! Can you restrain the atomic energy of this idle reactor?

Are you ready to hard test your brain and perform the hardcore tasks of the engineer operator of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor power plant station, then you need to immediately sit down to the control tasks panel and begin to control offline station all the mechanisms of the idle reactor? Launch plasma engines and start the battle with the invisible enemy - atom radiation.

Attention! The level of atom radiation is increased. Do not forget to bring an x-ray dosimeter with you and sometimes measure the external radiation background XRay at the workplace.

The game Nuclear inc 2 is a realistic simulator of a nuclear reactor (NPP) created by an indie game developer who provides a unique opportunity to visit the role of a nuclear reactor manager and experience a complete hard immersion in this hardcore gameplay. Thanks to the dynamic gameplay and various special effects, the game keeps you energized, and the variety of emergencies, including an earthquake, fire, and other natural technological disasters increase the sensation of completing a level.

This idle Nuclear reactor tycoon simulator has 12 levels, each of which becomes available when passing the previous one. At the first level, you will undergo do brain training and learn how to manage an idle nuclear power plant. With each new level, new improvements will be available that will help optimize the process of controlling the thermal power plant. The last 2 levels have the same name as the existing ghost towns - Japanese Fukushima and Ukrainian Chernobyl. The last levels may seem an impossible task but do not forget to correctly distribute the profit that the station brings you and the explosion of an energy reactor can be avoided. If an explosion occurs at a power unit, a global catastrophe is inevitable and the once-prosperous city of ghost town Pripyat will turn into an exclusion zone. Change the outcome of the events of 1986 and save humanity from a technological disaster. The safe life of worldwide humanity is in your hands.
Indie games of a similar genre, it may seem that the mission impossible. Are you ready, Stalker?

Warning! Keep a balance of all resources and indicators, keep your eyes open. Check the pressure and temperature in the reactor, and do not forget about the gas turbine. Non-observance of safety measures can lead to contamination with radioactive substances and the death of personnel.

Game Features:
• inc. alike game style inside
• Contains detailed training
• Realistic substation control system
• Fukushima and Chernobyl levels
• Offline game - no wifi/internet needed
• Realistic simulation of the Nuclear power plant
• 4 languages to simplify gameplay
• Simple graphics, hardcore gameplay
• Hardcore & casual game, your next addiction
• Upgrade power plant to get more power, more money, and more safety
• Realistic simulation games

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關於 Nuclear Power Reactor inc - in Android版的評論

This game is not only fun but it's educational as well. It's unique and is great at making the player take risks and make choices to beat the timer. For example, making the choice to spend money on the efficiency of the reactor and turbine or on safety and disaster precautions. Both are needed but you can only get one now and the other later. Great game and love the Developer, keep making awesome games!
Now idk if it's just me but level 10 is just about impossible I retired it many times over and over I tried buying the items in different orders and I can't seem to produce enough energy within the time frame and that's one thing but the fact that Freeplay isn't unlocked from the start is kinda frustrating because I'm not even able to just run and upgrade a power plant I have to replay the same level over and over until I get it, the game definitely needs improvement lots of improvement.
It is a fun game that gives you a slight taste of operating a reactor. More seasons would be cool. Different reactor designs would be cool as well. Increased variety of reactivity manipulations would be fun. Going prompt critical would be sweet. All in all I enjoyed it. The English is a little broken, but doesn't prevent understanding or affect anything seriously. Level 10 proved challenging, but I got it eventually. Good job.

Nuclear Power Reactor inc - in APK FAQ

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是的,你可以透過在電腦上安裝雷電Android模擬器,然後將你下載好的 APK 檔案拖入運行的模擬器內,即可開始在電腦上玩Nuclear Power Reactor inc - in。您也可以打開模擬器,搜尋你想要玩的遊戲或應用程式進行安裝。
