Black Sheep

在 Black Sheep 的官方遊戲中扮演 Raftaar!
GameNagri Studios
下載 Black Sheep APK
版本 0.3
更新日期 2023-10-21
類型 動作
應用程式檔名稱 com.GameNagriStudios.BlackSheep
下載數 5+
Black Sheep 簡介
Black Sheep 是 Raftaar 的 EP BAR'ISH 的官方遊戲,其中包括歌曲 Black Sheep 和 2021 年最熱門的發行版,Raftaar 的 GOAT。


- 3 個不同的程序生成關卡(每次用戶玩關卡時都會隨機改變),有不同類型的敵人、挑戰和 Boss ......還有一個獎勵關卡!

- 3 個令人眼花繚亂的 POWERUPS 供玩家使用(每個級別都有自己的特殊動作)。

我們以 Black Sheep 的歌曲為靈感來設計遊戲的幾乎所有部分,包括關卡、敵人、boss 和道具。

請欣賞 GameNagri 和 Kalamkaar Music 對 Desi Hip-Hop 和印度遊戲開發場景的致敬!

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關於 Black Sheep Android版的評論
Controls could have been better. The jump action could be handled by separate button on the left side of the screen. Sometimes, it is hard to see the buttons on the left as they blend with bg. A simple semi transparent circle below them could've worked. A tutorial or FTUE could have been helpful to understand the controls. Also, I understand that this is an 8-bit inspired platformer. But why the assets are not clean and crisp? The main boss assets looks off because of this.
Awesome how raftaar converted the negativity of the 'snakes' and 'black sheeps' of his career as well as life into a video game! Btw the first level was a lil tough 😅 but I got the hang of it and abhi 2nd level pe hu let's see how fast I can complete it 😈. The background music idea was unique and the game was also faced paced and I could imagine black sheep song's visuals. More power to raftaar and gamenagri.
Lit game bro, when I first saw the music video I was wondering if someone released the game of it too, Especially the combination of both Modern theme and retro controls are dope.🔥
Black Sheep APK FAQ

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