Thetan Rivals: Fun Run Party

Wolffun Pte Ltd
下載 Thetan Rivals: Fun Run Party APK
版本 1.1.1
更新日期 2023-12-03
類型 動作
應用程式檔名稱 com.wolffun.thetanrivals
下載數 100+
Thetan Rivals: Fun Run Party 簡介
聖誕節到了,到處都下雪了!深入了解我們的冬季更新,並在 Thetan Rivals 中衝過雪地!

Thetan Rivals: Fun Run Party 是終極派對和充滿樂趣的冒險,適合所有年齡層的玩家。與迷人的 Theions 一起進入充滿活力的 3D 世界,激動人心的比賽和熱鬧的淘汰賽挑戰等待著您和您的朋友。用大量可愛的皮膚和化妝品表達你獨特的風格。

- 令人興奮的多人遊戲模式:參加淘汰賽、有趣的遊戲和令人興奮的挑戰,使其成為理想的派對遊戲。
- 合作樂趣:與朋友一起在有趣的遊樂場中進行合作遊戲和適合家庭的冒險。
- 參加比賽:無論您是跑步、跳躍還是跳水參加史詩般的比賽,Thetan Rivals:趣味跑步派對都能為您帶來無盡的樂趣。
- 多人混亂:參與 1、2、3 或 4 人遊戲,享受線上多人比賽的刺激。
- 豐富的自訂:用酷炫的皮膚自訂你的角色,在挑戰他人的同時結交朋友。
- 無縫遊戲:與朋友在線上玩,或邀請他們一起在這個充滿樂趣和刺激的迷你世界中玩。
- 建立聯繫:在 Thetan 鎮建立聯繫,創建公會,並在自訂角色並開始史詩般的挑戰時與遊戲好友進行社交。

與朋友一起踏上驚心動魄的淘汰賽和熱鬧的比賽。自訂您的角色,享受一起玩耍的樂趣,讓 Thetan Rivals: Fun Run Party 將您帶入無盡樂趣和刺激的境界。

立即下載並在 Thetan Rivals: Fun Run Party 的世界中舉辦您的派對,派對永不停歇,樂趣只差一場比賽!

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關於 Thetan Rivals: Fun Run Party Android版的評論
Entertaining but has flaws. The soccer field bomb match always puts you as the bomb which is not fair. Sometimes the double jump seems to cause you to skid further if you are close to the edge. When you are not close to the edge it doesn't skid as far. I'm not sure you actually play against real players, pretty sure it's always bots.
I really enjoyed the game until the problems became clear its not bugs that are causing all the problems. The whole thing is designed to cheat you in some form or another. I've been cheated from countless triple first wins from pop up booting me, or inability to jump at the last second. Or everywhere I go the blocks fall through. The opponents are bots. The whole thing is a huge scam. They wiped my account when I maxed 20 thenions claiming to make it fair. Where's my refunds tho?? Liars
I don't mind playing this game, as derivative as it is, it's a fun little mobile game. Nothing remarkable or notable about the graphics.oe, both are compitent and adequate enough to entertain. One things that keeps standing out to me, whenever I get ahead in any game, I am constantly bombarded with a tutorial "swipe up and down" and it takes me out of the game as well as hinders my gameplay. Is this a bug? Might wanna fix it.
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