Survival in the Sky

An exciting adventure where players control a paratrooper.
TimKos Studio
下載 Survival in the Sky APK
更新日期 2023-11-09
類型 體育競技
下載數 5+
Survival in the Sky 簡介
"Survival in the Sky" is an action-packed adventure where players control a skydiver as they try to avoid mid-air obstacles and land safely. The game combines controls and timing, adding a unique challenge and fun.

Main functions and characteristics of the application:

Main screen:
Play and Settings buttons.
Settings Screen:
Sliders for adjusting sound and volume.
Field for entering the fall height in meters (default value is 3000 meters).
Button to return to the main screen.
Game process:
When you click on Play, the parachutist begins to fall from a given height.
At the top left of the screen there is a button to return to the main screen.
The right side of the screen displays the skydiver's current altitude and altitude scale.
The Open button for deploying the parachute is located on the lower right side of the screen.
A skydiver avoids various obstacles while falling.
When the 700-meter mark is reached, the message “Open parachute” appears.
After landing, the skydiver performs a short dance and then the game starts again.
The athlete is controlled by swiping his finger across the screen.
The parachute can be deployed at any time. After it opens, the rate of fall decreases.
The target audience:
The app is ideal for fans of adrenaline-pumping entertainment and reaction games. It offers players a unique opportunity to experience a virtual skydive that requires quick reactions and strategic thinking.

"Survival in the Sky" offers a fun way to kill time, test evasion and snap decision-making skills in a safe and controlled environment.

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