NoHu Cat Around

Help cat B52 overcome obstacles and receive delicious rewards
Healthzcare Insuane
下載 NoHu Cat Around APK
版本 5.0
更新日期 2023-11-03
類型 休閒
應用程式檔名稱 com.b52hz.b52hz0211
下載數 5+
NoHu Cat Around 簡介
B52 NoHu Cat Around is an online game based on intelligence and logic. In this game, you will control a cat whose task is to eat all the meals available on the level. Each level will have different obstacles such as obstacles, revolving doors, and other objects.

The goal of the game is to arrange the objects in the level in a reasonable manner to allow the diamond (or pellet) to fall and reach the cat B52. At the same time, you also need to avoid obstacles or control the cat to overcome them.

The game has many different levels and each level has increasing difficulty. You will have to think of ways to solve each level intelligently and flexibly to conquer the difficult levels of B52 club.

B52 NoHu Cat Around has simple and attractive graphics, along with fun sounds, creating an enjoyable gaming experience for players. This is a game suitable for all ages and brings joy in solving logic puzzles.

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