Ice Cream Inc.

Make DIY Ice cream cone, mix different flavors, add toppings in ice cream games
下載 Ice Cream Inc. APK
版本 1.1.7
更新日期 2024-03-16
評分 4.2
類型 模擬
應用程式檔名稱 com.RedLineGames.Game49
下載數 100+
Ice Cream Inc. 簡介
Ice cream lovers you’ll like this ice cream simulator, make the ice cream of your dreams, mix flavors, add toppings and serve customers in food simulator ice cream games. So many delicious flavors to get and mix together, create the best combinations in an ice cream simulator! The most popular being classic Vanilla, dark chocolate, fruity mango and juicy strawberry with added toppings in ice cream simulator food games.

Mix ice cream, a frozen dessert made from cream, milk, sugar, and many different flavorings in ice cream simulator. There are many different types like soft serve cone, ice cream roll, Frozen yogurt, Gelato and Dondurma. Become an expert ice cream maker!

Create DIY ice cream cones, mixing together different flavors according to customer demand like in food simulator. Work as an ice cream seller, serving delicious frozen desserts to customers in food simulator ice cream games.

How to Play
Hold the ice cream dispenser to pour your ice cream flavor and try to match the model. An extremely relaxing and satisfying DIY ice cream simulator. Run an ice cream shop and become a pro ice cream seller!

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關於 Ice Cream Inc. Android版的評論
Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。玩起來根本停不下,五年前進入遊戲很喜歡的一個遊戲,更有趣的是也能去網址wgg36. C o m有滿V無限鑽石版,資源通通無限使用,還有很多熱門遊戲無限版,超爽簡單就能電爆大課長。遊戲動畫滿精緻的,音效也不錯,劇情任務很容易理解,新手引導就算不熟悉這種類型遊戲的人也能容易上手,還可以組隊一起遊戲,不知道大家有沒有一樣的問題,就是瞄準不太容易,畫面移動也常常不小心按到攻擊鍵,可能我還需要點時間習慣介面,不過認識的朋友也很願意原諒我的手殘XD 玩的蠻開心的,
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