Brain Tease

100 多個謎語、提示、獎勵。考驗智慧,解開謎團。立即挑戰!
Fake Souls
下載 Brain Tease APK
版本 1.0.4
更新日期 2023-10-25
類型 冷知識
應用程式檔名稱 com.FakeSouls.BrainTease
下載數 5+
Brain Tease 簡介
您準備好挑戰自己的思維並享受其中的樂趣了嗎?別再猶豫了! BrainTease 匯集了 100 多個獨特且令人費解的謎語,可讓您的大腦保持活躍並獲得娛樂。


🧩 超過 100 個獨特的謎語:準備好踏上激動人心的旅程吧,挑戰各種各樣的謎語,測試您的邏輯、創造力和解決問題的能力。每個謎語都是手工製作的,讓您不斷猜測和好奇。


🏆 獎勵系統:正確解決每個謎語即可獲得獎勵!收集積分,解鎖成就。

🌟 引人入勝的遊戲玩法:BrainTease 提供用戶友好的介面和流暢的遊戲玩法,確保您在解決每個謎語時擁有無縫且愉快的體驗。

🧠 訓練你的大腦:BrainTease 不僅有趣,而且有趣。這也是鍛鍊大腦、提升批判性思考和提升認知能力的好方法。


準備好測試你的大腦了嗎?立即下載 BrainTease,踏上充滿謎題、謎題和無盡樂趣的旅程!挑戰自己,挑戰朋友,成為終極謎語大師。

📣 不要忘記在 Play 商店中對 BrainTease 進行評分和評論!您的回饋有助於我們改進並為您帶來更具吸引力的內容。

立即加入我們的謎語愛好者社區,成為真正的 BrainTease 冠軍!

目前暫不提供Brain Tease的APK檔下載,請前往GooglePlay下載。
Google Play
從 Google Play 獲取。
1. 點擊「從 Play Store 獲取」
2. 從 Play Store 下載 Brain Tease
3. 啟動並享受 Brain Tease
關於 Brain Tease Android版的評論
Thoroughly enjoyed playing this game during my spare time. The UI is sleek and effortless to use. Relatively fewer ads than what we see in most of the riddle games on the Google Play Store. Furthermore, the riddles are gathered carefully so that it's neither hard nor easy. Yes, there were a few instances where it was challenging. However, I managed to crack them. Also, the hints they have added would add more to your knowledge. Surely, it's a fun way to educate oneself. Keep up the great work ♥️
Its a great collection of riddles and good contribution to the play store application. I really enjoyed playing this brain teaser and gaining credits is simpler. Wating for the update. Thank you.
A pretty great application for trivia and increasing general knowledge Pretty recommended to all users out there intrested in trivia 😊
Brain Tease APK FAQ

Brain Tease 對我的電腦設備來說安全嗎?


什麼是XAPK檔案?如果我下載的Brain Tease是XAPK檔案怎麼辦?


我可以在電腦上玩Brain Tease嗎?

