正行車紀錄器 (easy dashcam) 簡介
讓手機成為專業的導航行車紀錄器,能夠在使用Google Map 的導航功能的同時啟動行車紀錄器功能,提供高解析度循環錄製、現場攝影與車輛震動偵測不錯失重要畫面,自動啟動錄影方便使用,長按錄影圖標可切換相機預覽畫面與導航畫面,短按可叫出使用子項目功能, 適合將多餘的舊手機做為車上專用的導航行車紀錄器!
Let smart phone becomes a professional dash cam. Easy dashcam launches the Google Map app to navigation and start driving recording at the same time. It provides high-resolution loop recording, on-site photography and vehicle vibration detection without missing important images. It is automatically activated and easy to use. Long press the recording icon can switch between the camera preview screen and the navigation screen, short press to call out other sub-items, suitable for using in the redundant smart phone as a dedicated navigation and driving recorder in the car!
Let smart phone becomes a professional dash cam. Easy dashcam launches the Google Map app to navigation and start driving recording at the same time. It provides high-resolution loop recording, on-site photography and vehicle vibration detection without missing important images. It is automatically activated and easy to use. Long press the recording icon can switch between the camera preview screen and the navigation screen, short press to call out other sub-items, suitable for using in the redundant smart phone as a dedicated navigation and driving recorder in the car!