하이드 앤 캐치

A thrilling game of hide and seek played by the guards against the backdrop of Jeolla Gamyeong!
Banco Games Co., Ltd
下載 하이드 앤 캐치 APK
更新日期 2023-11-17
類型 戰略
應用程式檔名稱 com.bancogames.hidecatch
下載數 5+
하이드 앤 캐치 簡介
Hide and Catch is a hide and seek game where players find themselves among dozens of bots and eliminate each other.|
Every player is a tagger and must run away from the tagger at the same time. All nurses, whether players or bots, look the same.
Find a player who can and cannot blend in with the bots.

Beware of the suspiciously acting employees! Use your sharp eyes to spot the opposing player first, then approach quietly and play secretly.
One way is to go wild and swing the bat at all the guards in front of you.
Survive from countless players among bots and become the last survivor!

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