Cat Bathhouse 簡介
"Cat Bathhouse" is a delightful and engaging casual puzzle game that revolves around managing a bathhouse filled with adorable cats. As the story unfolds, you find yourself as the owner of this unique establishment, with the responsibility of hiring adorable cat staff to serve your customers and make the bathhouse more diverse and colorful.
In this exciting game, you will manage a new cat bathhouse that has opened its doors to customers. All the staff members are cats, and as the manager, you will need to use your problem-solving skills to resolve any issues that arise in the store. You will also need to synthesize the required items to complete tasks, earn stars, expand and renovate your bathhouse, attract more customers, and gradually improve the overall experience.
In this game, you can also meet troublemakers - cat boss, so you will need to be careful and ensure that everything is running smoothly to succeed.
Are you ready to take on the challenge? The life of a cat bathhouse manager awaits!
In this exciting game, you will manage a new cat bathhouse that has opened its doors to customers. All the staff members are cats, and as the manager, you will need to use your problem-solving skills to resolve any issues that arise in the store. You will also need to synthesize the required items to complete tasks, earn stars, expand and renovate your bathhouse, attract more customers, and gradually improve the overall experience.
In this game, you can also meet troublemakers - cat boss, so you will need to be careful and ensure that everything is running smoothly to succeed.
Are you ready to take on the challenge? The life of a cat bathhouse manager awaits!
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